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Hairstyles and Neck Pain: The Chiropractic Connection

Introduction Hairstyles are a way to express personal style and creativity. From sleek ponytails to intricate braids, the choices are endless. However, what many people may not realize is that certain hairstyles can contribute to neck pain. This blog explores the connection between hairstyles and neck pain, and how chiropractic care can offer relief and prevention. The Impact of Hairstyles on Neck Health The weight and tension associated with certain hairstyles can have a significant impact on the neck and…

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How to Minimize Back Pain at the Office

The relevancy of this topic is undeniable for the majority of those reading this article likely work a 9-5 desk job that requires copious amounts of sitting. While this isn’t inherently a bad thing, it can certainly become one… As we’ve come to learn, sitting all day does not bold well for physical health, more often than not resulting in a myriad of health issues and musculoskeletal aches and pains. This is especially true when proactive measures aren’t implemented to…

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Importance of Footwear on Spine Health

Footwear on Spine Health While some might deem footwear as a simple fashion statement, it’s actually much more important than that, especially in the eyes of a chiropractor. If you’re someone who experiences some level of back pain, knee pain, ankle pain, or any type of joint pain for that matter, you might want to take a step back (pun intended) and assess the quality of footwear that you’re choosing to wear on a daily basis.  We are your Danvers…

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Joint Pain & Weather: Chiropractic Care Can Help!

Changes in Weather and Joint Pain   Have you ever heard of the notion that your joints can predict the weather? An old adage that might outdate most of you reading this, however, is potentially valid to a degree…  While it might sound outlandish, many who experience arthritic pain or general physiological discomfort attribute it to the change in weather patterns. In other words, on days when it’s cold, rainy, or humid, for example, reports of pain increase dramatically.  The…

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Back Pain: Prevention and Conservative Treatment

Back Pain: Prevention and Conservative Treatment Back pain is a fact of life for many people. Research shows that up to 80% of the population will experience back pain at some point during their lives. It is also one of the most common reasons for visits to the doctor’s office.1 Sometimes back pain is sharp and intense, caused by a wrong movement or an injury, and heals in a few days or weeks. Others experience back pain as a chronic…

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The Most Common Chiropractic Myths

The chiropractic industry at large has had its fair share of false truths aimed its way over the years, some of which have stuck on the minds of many. The result? Long-lasting myths that finally need to be attended to! Chiropractic care can be extremely beneficial for those who need it. It’s unfortunate, however, that some of these myths that are about to be discussed still hold true today. Not only do they deter potential patients from pursuing such care…

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The Best Sleeping Position for Back Pain

The Best Sleeping Position for Back Pain Sleep is one of the most important factors contributing to good health. While many overlook its importance, sleep, or lack thereof, can have a huge impact on your mood, performance, energy levels, mental cognition, and even risk of disease, among other things. For those that do understand the value of a good night’s rest, kudos!! You may not know it, but you’re improving your health without even being awake for it! The result…

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Migraines and Chiropractic!

Chiropractic Care and Migraine Relief Migraines happen to be the third most common illness globally, with nearly 1 in 8 individuals suffering from it at any given time. Because of this high prevalence, it’s important to identify solutions to the problem. One such solution? Chiropractic care… Contrary to popular belief, chiropractors are educated on and lawfully trusted to treat ailments other than those that relate to the back and spine. Of course, spinal adjustments are a large portion of chiropractic…

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Chiropractic Care and its Association with Digestion

Chiropractic Care and Digestive Relief In the United States alone, it’s suggested that over 10% of the population suffers from chronic digestive disease. This statistic, however, doesn’t take into account the millions that struggle with undiagnosed digestive issues, whether temporary or acute. Because of its commonality, it’s imperative to identify solutions to the problem while also prioritizing health promotion and prevention. One potential solution happens to be chiropractic care! Contrary to popular belief, chiropractors boast the knowledge and ability to…

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Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is a problem of the median nerve, which runs from the forearm into the hand. CTS occurs when the median nerve gets compressed in the carpal tunnel, a narrow tunnel at the wrist made up of bones and soft tissue. Nerves, tendons, and blood vessels travel through this tunnel, which when compressed may result in pain, weakness and/or numbness in the hand and wrist, radiating into the forearm. CTS is the most common of…

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