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A Chiropractor’s Advice for Choosing the Best Mattress

Thinking About Getting a New Mattress? While most of us associate the necessity of proper posture with activities that occur while we’re awake, good posture is just as paramount when we sleep. Because we’re largely unaware of our posture when we sleep, however, our mattress choice is of the utmost importance. With that said, finding the right mattress for you can often times be a tedious task, especially if you sleep with a partner who has different sleeping preferences.  Further,…

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Effects of Dehydration and Diagnosing Spinal Disc Related Issues

The human spine depends upon hydration for its proper function and health. There are discs present within your spine and water is a major part of their composition. The spinal disc can't absorb water from the body, thus follow the imbibition phenomenon, to absorb the water and other essential nutrients for their proper functions. The proper movement of joints causes the nutrients to flow in and out of the disc. Thus, the proper availability of water is necessary for these…

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Chiropractic Advice for Pregnancy

Chiropractic Advice for Pregnancy As many new mothers can attest, the muscle strains of pregnancy are very real and can be more than just a nuisance. The average weight gain of 25 to 35 pounds, combined with the increased stress placed on the body by the baby, may result in severe discomfort. Studies have found that about half of all expectant mothers will develop low back pain at some point during their pregnancies. This is especially true during late pregnancy,…

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Headaches and Chiropractic

If you have a headache, you’re not alone. Many people suffer from headaches — some are occasional, some frequent, some are dull and throbbing, and some cause debilitating pain and nausea. What do you do when you suffer from a pounding headache? Do you grit your teeth and carry on? Lie down? Take pain medication and hope it goes away? There is an alternative. Research shows that spinal manipulation therapy (SMT) – a centerpiece of chiropractic care – may be…

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Prevent Neck Pain with a Well-fitted Mask

If you’ve noticed aches and pain in your neck, shoulders, and upper back during the COVID-19 pandemic, you are not alone. Some American Chiropractic Association (ACA) members report that their patients who wear protective masks for long hours are frequently experiencing these common musculoskeletal conditions. Some believe the reason behind the pain, in addition to increased stress, is that masks can limit the lower field of vison—particularly if they are not well fitted—causing people to tuck in their chins, shift…

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Shoveling and Lifting Techniques For Snow Time

Overview As the snow season sets in, the task of shoveling big piles of snow from your sidewalks and driveway begins. Unfortunately, and despite how mundane this task may seem, many people injure themselves during shoveling due to poor technique and the involvement of the wrong muscle groups. In this article, we will discuss the muscles that usually get injured during snow shoveling and lifting. How to properly shovel snow Many people get injured during snow shoveling due to poor…

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Chiropractic and Pregnancy: Your Complete Guide

Overview Many pregnant women experience pain and aches in the pelvic and lower back regions. According to one source, 50% of pregnant women go through back pain before delivering their babies. Unfortunately, the experience is not uniform among all women, as some may deal with severe pain that requires specialized care. However, pregnancy and pharmacological drugs don’t go hand in hand, which makes chiropractic an appealing choice to temper down these uncomfortable sensations and provide other health benefits. In this…

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Why Should Healthcare Professionals Pay More Attention To Chiropractic?

Overview Despite the advances made in the fields of biology and medicine, there is a myriad of health problems that are still incurable, which often present as chronic sequences of signs and symptoms that negatively impact the patient’s quality of life. Chronic pain, stiffness, and other musculoskeletal symptoms are classic examples of the limitations faced by conventional physicians. Unfortunately, there is no effective treatment for these conditions, and the only available therapeutic option is to take pharmacological drugs for a…

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Lower Cross Syndrome

Lower Cross Syndrome (LCS) is caused by muscle strength imbalance in the lower segment of the body. When muscles are frequently shortened and lengthened, these imbalances can occur. That is, it occurs when weak abdominal and gluteal muscles are combined with tight iliopsoas and erector spinal muscles. This forms a cross when a person stands sideways. This leads to a person having a forward head posture and flat gluteal or protruding gluteal and a protruding abdomen. How to know if…

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Upper Cross Syndrome

Upper cross syndrome (UCS) is a condition that refers to the configuration of the muscle groups in the neck, chest, and shoulders that become deformed mostly brought about by poor posture. The muscles in the upper trapezius and the levator scapula are the most affected as they become extremely strained and overactive. This affects the muscles in the front of the chest, the pectoralis major and the minor muscles, to become tight and shortened. The overactive muscles cause the surrounding…

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